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Alumni Profile: Bill George '66

Alumni Profile: Bill George '66

Bill George '66 has dedicated his life's work to Catholic schools. He spent 35 years at La Salle Catholic College Preparatory School as a coach, teacher, and administrator. He retired in 2012 and is now busy with nine grandchildren and nine apartment units which he oversees. We sat down with Bill in the Development Office, which used to be the library until 2004. We asked him about his Central Catholic story and why he chooses to support the school now.

Bill: I think this was the library. I was just telling someone the other day about my senior year, a bunch of kids got together and offered a guy a bunch of money if in the middle of typing class, which they held in the library at the time, (he) would just get up and throw his typewriter out the window [said with a laugh]. So this kid got up, chucked his typewriter out into Stark Street. The teacher went apoplectic and (the kid) got his 50 bucks. That's what happens when you have a thousand boys in a school.

Why do you give?

As you get older, you get more reflective. And as you get older, you're not only more willing but more capable to give more. I told my wife, when I got near my 50th (reunion), 'I think I'm going to start giving to Central Catholic.' So we started doing it, and I should have started sooner. But, the reason was the wonderful experience I had. I just had a charmed, blessed life. I've got to be thanking Central Catholic for that. And then, (Msgr.) Tim Murphy. He's just a pillar of the place. There's people like that in all the schools. The John Shepard's, the Tim Murphy's. He's something, he is.

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